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“If you don’t know jewelry, know the jeweler.” – Warren Buffett



       Growing up with three generations of jewelers sparked my interest in jewelry at a very young age. The sparkle and glitter of gems fascinated me and I felt so privileged when, at 10 years old, my mother presented me with a velvet lined box filled with jewels (all costume, of course) that I have treasured ever since.

       Naturally, I pursued my fascination with jewelry when I moved to the United States. I enrolled in gemology courses with the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) and worked my way up in a high-end retail jewelry store for over 20 years. My time there allowed me to gain immeasurable experience as I went from office to sales person while wearing many hats including marketing, designer, buyer, and appraiser.

       Today, I am continuing the legacy that my grandmother started two decades ago, with my own company, Kingdom Gems.

There are three things that make Kingdom Gems successful:

  1. Strong, loyal, and trusted industry relationships built over the last three decades

  2. Low overhead expenses which saves customers money

  3. Faith in God to use my business to help others and glorify Him


       For many years, my husband, Mike, and I have been privileged to serve in many ministries and churches across the United States. This has helped me tremendously to gain people’s trust and meet their needs spiritually. In business, I adopt the same attitude. My desire to meet my client’s needs goes far beyond how much profit we are making. At Kingdom Gems, we want our customers to know we care. Customer service, creativity, fair prices, and honesty are qualities I hope are evident. 

       Please call, text or email me anytime. I am always happy to talk and answer any questions.

Marge Gross
(310) 634-9951

What sets us apart from other jewelers?



Custom jewelry as unique as you.
You dream it, we make it!



From diamond earrings to
silver bracelets, we do it all.

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